MLPC In the Media
Welcome to the Medical-Legal Partnership for Children In Hawaii (MLPC) media room, a place to showcase all media coverage, advocacy letters, and other happenings. In addition to being practicing Attorneys, we also provide legal commentary, speak at public engagements and events, and contribute advice to critical judicial issues, some of which is accessible in the articles, letters, and features below.

In Hawai‘i’s Housing Crunch, Tenants Are Vulnerable to Rent Hikes and Evictions. Here’s What They Need to Know.
This overview of renter protections explains what their rights are, where to get help and how Hawai‘i’s laws stack up against other states. MLPC Attorneys Deja Ostrowski and Fernando P. Cosio speak to HBM about the related issues.
Lawmakers Agree On The Need To Address Hawaii’s Housing Crisis — But Not On How
MLPC Attorney Deja Ostrowski speaks to Civil Beat reporters about some of the current ideas surrounding the housing crisis. Specifically she speaks on who is best suited to oversee certain assistance programs such as a prospective security deposit loan program that is being discussed to aid renters.
What Happens When Private Equity Is Your Landlord in Hawai‘i
MLPC Staff Attorney Deja Ostrowski speaks to HBM about the implications of having a corporate landlord when renting a unit here in Honolulu or the neighbor islands.
HBM Description: The Blackstone Group and other firms have been buying rental properties in West O‘ahu. Tenants say the result can be escalating rents and unexpected fees.
“Home for Sale” Sometimes Means Renters are Displaced
MLPCH Staff Attorneys Deja Ostrowski and Fernando P. Cosio speak with Hawaii Business Magazine about the legal issues surrounding tenants who face eviction or have their leases terminated when landlords decide to sell or renovate their property.
HBM Description: About 40% of Hawai‘i households are renters. Their relationships with their landlords can be friendly and supportive. But this two-part report examines when the wants and needs of tenants and landlords conflict, with perspectives from both sides.
Hundreds on Oahu Exhaust Rent Relief Programs
MLPCH Staff Attorney Fernando P. Cosio speaks with KITV 4 news about tenants who have reached the maximum threshold for rental assistance and the upcoming ending of the program. He also speaks on other tools and mechanisms that can be incorporated to assist both landlords and tenants moving forward.
Recipients Reaching Limits on Assistance from Honolulu Rent and Utility Program
MLPCH Attorney Fernando P. Cosio speaks to the Honolulu Star Advertiser about some of the challenges local tenants and renters have faced and how to improve the situation.
Living On A Boat Is Hard In Hawaii. Finding Rental Relief Is Impossible
The effects of fee hikes at harbors and the Covid-19 pandemic are prompting some to give up their boats and leave. MLP Attorney Fernando P. Cosio discusses the difficulties and challenges local renters have faced during the pandemic when attempting to apply for rental assistance.
Immigration Advocates, Including MLP Staff Attorney, Meet with Congressional Delegation
On September 23, MLP staff attorney Catherine Chen met with Senators Hirono and Schatz and Representatives Case and Kahele to push for immigrant inclusion in budget reconciliation for Hawai'i Coalition for Immigrant Rights. KITV talked to her about the advocacy.
Hawaii Lawmakers Mull Mediation To Prevent Mass Evictions After Moratorium Lifted
A bill would require landlords to enter mediation upon a tenant’s request, but some advocates say the measure doesn’t do enough to protect renters at risk of eviction. MLPC attorneys provide their insight and feedback on this matter and other related issues.
Hawai'i Public Radio Interview on Immigrant Rights in Hawai'i
Hawai'i Public Radio interviewed our immigration attorney Catherine Chen about immigrant rights in Hawai'i in response to a new report by New American Economy that found that immigrants contributed more than $17 billion to Hawai'i's economy.
Ige’s Eviction Moratorium Doesn’t Do What He Says It Does
Hawaii renters and landlords alike are frustrated by the governor’s confusing rule. MLPC attorneys talk with Civil Beat about what must be done to improve the current situation.
Agency Says Women Harassed, Threatened With Eviction
The Hawai‘i State Department of Human Services Commission on the Status of Women and MLP Attorney Deja Ostrowski provide commentary on the current eviction landscape and give proactive recommendations to law enforcement and government officials on how to best curtail these illegal practices.
Extended Moratorium On Evictions Provides Renter Relief, But Lacks Enforcement
MLPCH Director Dina Shek speaks with local media outlet KITV4 with regard to moratorium on evictions and the need for heightened enforcement procedures against landlords who opt to defy said provisions.
Statement Calling for End to Sweeps of Houseless Families
We stand with over 70 organizations, individuals, and officials in this statement calling for a halt to sweeps of the houseless families during this ongoing pandemic.
Tenant Advocates Raise Concerns Over Violation of Eviction Moratorium
Big Island Now covers our press conference on illegal evictions.
The Latest: 173 New Cases; Mayor Warns Of 'Drastic' Actions If Trend Continues
Hawaii Public Radio includes our press conference on illegal evictions as part of their latest coverage of COVID-19 in our state.
Hawaii’s Eviction Moratorium Isn’t Saving These Tenants
We held a press conference on illegal evictions with our partners, the Marshallese Community Organization of Hawaii, Lawyers for Equal Justice, Office of Hawaiian Affairs, and Legal Aid Society of Hawaii. Civil Beat covers the issues raised.
Level The Playing Field Between Tenants And Landlords
We wrote an op-ed in the Civil Beat, with the Marshallese Community Organization of Hawaii, on the need for bold action on housing issues in our state due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Hawaii’s Invaluable Immigrants Need State Aid, Funding Now
For the first day of the state legislative session, we wrote an op-ed in the Star-Advertiser, with Pacific Gateway and The Legal Clinic, to advocate for funding for direct assistance and increased language access for excluded immigrants.
Recommendations on Eviction Prevention and Preservation of the Rental Market During the Pandemic
We endorse this renter's relief statement and ask our leaders to consider these options to prevent or mitigate a housing crisis.
Solidarity Letter from the Immigrant Justice Movement
We are proud to sign this Black Lives Matter Solidarity Letter from the Immigrant Justice Movement.
Reshaping Hawaii’s Economy For A Post-Pandemic World
We are excited about the work of the Hawaii Strategy Lab, co-founded by one of our attorneys. The Civil Beat highlights their project and the need for all our stories to be heard at this time.
Immigrants And Others Struggle Applying For Hawaii Jobless Benefits
Immigrants continue to struggle with the state's Unemployment Insurance (UI) system. We discuss with the Civil Beat.
Hawaii Updates Unemployment Application To Include Pacific Migrants
We talk to the Civil Beat about fixes in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) application system and remaining concerns.
Hawaii’s New Unemployment Application Excludes Micronesian Migrant Workers
We talk to the Civil Beat about Hawaii's new Unemployment Insurance (UI) application system and how it excludes those here through COFA.
Include Immigrants In Fight Against Coronavirus
In this op-ed in the Civil Beat, written with The Legal Clinic, we explain the extra vulnerabilities faced by our immigrant 'ohana and that we must include immigrants in relief efforts.